Merch & Meet Events
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FREE ENTRY - OutDoor Showcase
From from approx 10-1 this fun filled outdoor free carpark event will feature
- Redmoon Staged Merch POS
- Youth Music Venture Fundraiser BBQ
- Merch Sales from many artists
- Live Performance from local solo original artist
- Networking
- Note public access inside studios at this time
Subject to Weather- If there is a cancellation of this portion of the event, it will be reheld at alternative date.
Band Packages $99 - $199
Private Studio Suite - Staged
Merch Table with Black Fabric, PA for background music , LED & Dimmable Lighting, Air Conditioned, Ground Floor.
Staffed outdoor stall* subject to weather
Artist Responsible for all sales / POS/ merch within rooms.
3 rolling sessions of 15 ticket holders in each multiroom session. 3 X 45 min sessions
VIP X 2 Available for indivdial then group VIP event later
Artists can bring 2 helpers also.
Pricing :
Studio Hire
Feature artist Pre Buy Merch upgrade with tickets and Facebook ads copy written.
Merch Labelling & Sales ( outdoor store only )
Set up Fee $79 - non refundable for marketing puposes
Redmoon Music takes all ticket sales less $5 per ticket to the Youth Music Venture/ chosen charity.
The Musicians take all merch sold inside to ticket holders
RMA/ Artist have 50/50 split on merch sold at public store ( after transaction fees )
Ticket holders have access to all three artists
Ticket holders get a RMA Merch bag with all 3 artists merch - signed
3 X 45 min sessions of 15 people on multiroom walk thru.
then Networking and VIP set up.
Public Store Closes, Live Music , refreshments , VIP and then Upstairs performance.
Total ticketed foot traffic across all bands. rooms 45 ( inside ) unless there are upsells on the day form merch sold at front door plus 8 VIP ( 2 2 4 )
Marketing period
21 Days Paid targeted by Redmoon Music Australia
Artists are expected to run their own advertisiing also send email campaigns, run content etc. A video group session will be offered to assist withthis and all digital assets and copy are supplied.
Commitment : artists are expected to share the event every two days minimum either by post, reel, or story, blog, email campaigns are highlighy encouraged, Digital Assets for the event will be exchanged.
redmoon Music will use aid advertising across multiple platforms plus 3 X promotional reels/ posts/ stories per week.
Minimum Numbers
If all stakehodlers and parties stick to a cohesive and strong marketog commitment we see no reason why this event is not a success. However we do need minimum numbers. As this is a new venture we dont have any stats, the event will go ahead within numbers as little at 15 ticket sales.
Approximate Ticket Prices
Oublic Access Outdoor Event- Free / Donation
General Admission $44
2 Ticket Bundle $ 79
Add Ons
- Redmoon Music / Multiartist Merch Tote $44 split between 3 artists ( artists to supply merch)
VIP is $99 per ticket
Private Performance + Showcase Special Intimate Feature Performance.
Light Refreshments
PhotoShoot- Edited Image
Upgraded Tote
- Retail Value $50
VIP redcarpet exclusive evening outdoor setting with outdoor heater, live music.
1 X Band Volunteer/ Band fam Required on hand throughout the day for VIP / and guest escort.
10 - 1 noon Public Store & Fundraiser sausage Sizzle ( low levelPA showcase released music) Merch Sales / Industry
Last Sunday of every month
12 Artists in / sound check - interviews and content
2pm Session 1 General Admission - band fam volunteer required
15 People Walk Thru
3pm Session 2 General Admission - band fam volunteer required
4pm Session 3 General Adminission - band fam volunteer required
5.15 Public Windown and convert to VIP/ interviews & content
Break out. mingle.
6pm VIP starts , Photography shoot
6.45 refreshments networking walk thru regroup outdoor redcarpet live music performance by local solo artist , interviews, photography
7.30 Showcase Performance
8.30 Special Appearances/ Jam
10 Close
Band Package 2
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VIP Package
This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.